Joe's Book/Blog

The Inner Peace Experiment, by Joe Mecalfe

"This is a fantastic book where the author shares his authentic, raw and insightful experiences from 30 days in New York City. I found myself pulled in by Joe's personal journey of a high stress, fast paced, material American life and how he transformed his reality to gain deeper perspective, more peace of mind and discover what really matters in life. Thanks Joe for your openness and willingness to share your stories!" - Ben, Medellin, Colombia

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Blog - Stories and Inspiration

Performance and Wellbeing Coach, Author of the Inner Peace Experiment
What is One Thing You Do That Most People Don't?
There is one thing I do that I don’t think many other people do. One thing that I’m proud of. One thing that makes me feel good. Click link above to continue reading....
What is One Moment in Your Life You Thought Could Only Happen in a Movie?
30,000 feet in the air. Cruising altitude. I’m sitting in the middle seat of the last row. I’m half asleep. I smell smoke. Can’t be. I must be dreaming of the BBQ restaurants I just left in Memphis, Tennessee, on a business trip. I wake up. I’m not dreaming. I see smoke. Click link above to continue reading....
What is the Best Way to Live a Happy and Successful Life?
If you can understand this deeply, you’ll live a happy and successful life. Whatever you do, especially during these difficult times we’re in, do it with love. I ran with love the other night.... Click link above to continue reading.
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